Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm pretty much over the black widow

I'll get back to sailing real soon. I'm still trying to get the story of sailing around Deer Isle finished, but it takes awhile. I will say that my health care experience was very positive. It cost me less than $100 to visit my doctor and get the prescription for the Oxycodone and Valium. It helped that I let them know that I had a huge deductible that wasn't yet met.
Another friend, Eric, just bought a 24 foot Columbia that needs a bunch of work. He plans to clean it up and live/sail it. I wish him luck and cannot wait to see it. Maybe I can do some before and after pictures of his project. I'd love to get some feedback on what the readers like. Thanks for keeping up with my blog, and I hope to make more connections with sailors this way.

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